Friday, January 2, 2009

Locked off the internet

That we invented in japan in 1964 it`s all about war and power and the mormons being killed off.We had more bullets aimed at us than any jewish persona and we had more money ripped off from us THAN anyone!.Trillions upon trillions as matter of fact and of those trillions invention of patents that still run the communications world in near deep and inter/outer space.Howard Hughes was ONE pissed off cat when hollywood slammed the door shut on him and took over his studio as they took over the satellite TV net in japan shortly after it was used to broadcast the 1964 GAMES us howard planned it that way GAMES on hughes`s with his last worldwide broadcast being sports in those 1964 games.The american goverment took those satellites away by force and handed them over to hollywood with japan in thier pocket NOT howard`s anymore.Canada was also shot down in the alte 1960`s and hughes sapce and communications was actively taken away by force and those moneys and controls went right over to the murder INC/trilate(SS) fratfarts masonics and howard ran from thier radar grid(SS) the rest of his life.The last time Dad(howard robard hughes JR) mom jean peters and I were togather as a family was just before the cuban missles.I was always hidden since birth and on that day ada was taken away by the airforce in a chopter as I hid in our house.Mom had already ran away back to studio stan hugh as she was a studio jane working with russians and they all were blacklisted.DAD would only show up to save me on one more death bed from mob hit teams and when he showed up on thanksgivings it was with a full team of controllers and if you got within 30 feet of him they would grab you and give you shots untill you could`nt take anymore.MOM showed up a few times and dad and I were uplinked downlinked by satellites he hid.STARFISH PRIME was world war III in near space and I was cooked to coma and weighted about 45 pounds.ANYthing and everything I post is ripped down by HOHA`s and all TV is now interactives by super computers so I don`t watch much TV anymore.The same satellite links we used 40 years ago they now use to kill us off.Union bank and trust fund ripp off 1979 andy cipollo david morrissey tom morrissey masonic mobsters-now still poohpa-ing.I never signed any papers and even if they did fake some they never even knew my real that would be worthless.Even hollywood knows my real name and everytime they use a satellite they should pay for the patent usage.HHMI give away shame for far far right wing fartfrats worldwide endless hughes money.GM washing hughes money though HHMI and black projects from HHMI billions used to kill us off,Anyone and everyone will take a payoff to play those GAMES on the hughes`s just as dad signled all those years ago,DAD had hardwire controls digital satellites and computers in 1962,GAR nuclear air to air missiles in 1948 and optic satellites in 1966.Now digital is going to cover the USA and our DNA will be so stressed that life spans and sperm counts will put us in danger again just where dad tryed to keep us from being at.Vegas anti-nuclear hippy action just as tom slick had done before they crashed his plane.We slowed and stopped thee nuclear clock but now they say bio or nuke so they failed where as howard did not.I`am forced into hidding and subject to all feilds of wireless murder scars head to toes and failing.I don`t want the money but I do want the truth to be known as what they have done is some illegal and wrothful that I still want to move anyway from the hollywood trash market(SS) sign on the hill was still howard kicking at hollywood mobsterisms year after he was dead.No one even knowns my real name and name hopping won`t hide a hughes SON proven by biometrics

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